Brendalee Piironen
819-826-3266, extension 247
Born and raised in the Eastern Townships of Québec, Brendalee has always had a passion for working with the elderly. From the ages of seventeen to nineteen, while studying at Champlain College Lennoxville, she worked as a caregiver at the Wales Home. She then studied Psychology at York University. While there, she worked for a private Jewish organization which supports developmentally challenged adults. After her studies, Brendalee returned to the Wales Home as Activity Coordinator. In 2006, she was promoted to Director of Resident Services and, in 2007, to Director of Operations/Acting CEO. In 2008, Brendalee obtained her Certificate in Long-Term Care Management through the Canadian Health Care Association and her Administrator’s Certificate for “not-for-profit long-term care” from the Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors; Brendalee was the first person from the province of Québec to be certified through this program. In 2011, Brendalee was appointed Executive Director of the Wales Home. She is the first woman to occupy this position as well as the youngest Executive Director of the Wales Home since its inception in 1921.