14th Annual Wales Home Foundation Golf Tournament

Golf & Académie Longchamp's beautiful course!

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Despite the snowy weather forecasted this week, the Wales Home Foundation's annual golf tournament planning is already underway! The tournament is the Foundation's biggest annual fundraiser, which generates money for the Wales Home to continue to provide excellent quality care and services to seniors. The tournament is lots of fun for players, guests, and volunteers alike, thanks to the kindness and generosity of community members. The 2020 tournament will be held on Thursday, August 20th at Golf et Académie Longchamp in Sherbrooke. The event fills up quickly on a first come, first served basis, so register as soon as possible if you wish to participate! If you or someone you know would like to play in the tournament, attend the banquet supper, or support the event in any way, or if you require additional information, please contact Courtney Grainger at 819-826-3266 extension 251 (cgrainger@waleshome.ca) or Brendalee Piironen at 819-826-3266 extension 247 (bpiironen@waleshome.ca). Please share this post to help us get the message out!

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