Frequently Asked Questions


How long before an apartment becomes available?

Currently, all our apartments are occupied. We cannot give a timeline of when apartments will become available, as openings depends on the current residents’ needs; when and if their needs change, and they must relocate, then an apartment will become available.

Can I bring my cat?

Cats are permitted in apartments; all residents moving into an apartment may bring one pet with them.

What are the Wales Home’s visiting hours?

The Wales Home does not have visiting hours. You may visit your loved ones anytime you wish! If you choose to visit between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., however, exterior doors will be locked. Please call the Supervisor at 819-826-3266 extension 232 to be let in.

Will someone help my loved one find their way to the dining room?

In the CHSLD, caregivers will bring residents to the dining rooms on the units if they need assistance. For the ambulatory units, caregivers will guide residents to the elevators, which are manned by a staff employee at mealtimes. The staff employee will bring the resident directly to the Main Dining Room.

Will I have a reserved parking spot?

Yes – all residents who own a vehicle are assigned a parking spot upon admission. The Maintenance Director will direct them to their designated spot.

Can I book the Recreation Room, and how far in advance should I reserve?

Yes, the Recreation Room on Shaw 4 can be booked, free of charge, by contacting our Activity Coordinator/Social Intervener, Lysanne Hamel (lhamel@waleshome.ca, 819-826-3266 extension 244) or our Finance and Reception Administrative Assistant, Kristie Wright (kwright@waleshome.ca, 819-826-3266 extension 221). The room is booked on a first come, first served basis, so reserving early is recommended.

I was thinking of volunteering at the Wales Home – how do I go about doing so?

The Wales Home has a wonderful team of over 200 volunteers and will always welcome additional help! To volunteer, please contact our Activity Coordinator/Social Intervener, Lysanne Hamel (lhamel@waleshome.ca, 819-826-3266 extension 244).