
James Thompson
Jim was born and raised in Sherbrooke. In 1989, he started his business, Williams Recognition, which celebrates its thirtieth anniversary in 2019. Past President Charles Ross asked Jim to sit on the Foundation Board. Upon joining the Board and visiting the Home, it became apparent to Jim that the Wales is a very good organization under the direction of Brendalee Piironen. When offered the position of President of the Board, he accepted without hesitation.

Brendalee Piironen
819-826-3266, extension 247
Born and raised in the Eastern Townships of Québec, Brendalee has always had a passion for working with the elderly. From the ages of seventeen to nineteen, while studying at Champlain College Lennoxville, she worked as a student caregiver at the Wales Home. She then studied Psychology at York University. While there, she worked for a private Jewish organization which supports developmentally challenged adults. After her studies, Brendalee returned to the Wales Home as the Activity Coordinator. In 2006, she was promoted to the position of Director of Resident Services and, in 2007, to Director of Operations/Acting CEO. In 2008, Brendalee obtained her Certificate in Long-Term Care Management through the Canadian Health Care Association and her Administrator’s Certificate for “not-for-profit long-term care” from the Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors; Brendalee was the first person from the province of Québec to be certified through this program. In 2011, Brendalee was appointed Executive Director of the Wales Home. She is the first female as well as the youngest Director of the Wales Home since its inception in 1921.

Norman Carson
Norman has lived in this area all his life and is currently the Quebec Sales Manager for Select Sires Genervations Inc. He is a fifth-generation family member in the area, and his family has always been involved with the Wales Home. His grandmother spent the last ten years of her life at the Wales, and at one point, many of her siblings lived there also. Their time here fostered Norman’s commitment and dedication for the Wales Home and makes him want to give back to the community that gave them so much.

Sylvain Milhomme
The eldest in a family of 6, Sylvain was born in Montréal but moved to Windsor when he was 4 years old. He worked for Domtar for 34 years and is now retired. During the wintertime, Sylvain is very busy with curling, and does work as a lumberjack during the summer. Otherwise, Sylvain spends his free time camping and fishing with his family and contributing his time to the Wales Home Foundation board.

Claude Charron
Father of 6, Claude is a professional in the field of geomatics, specialising in photogrammetry, with many family businesses in Lennoxville, Motel Lennoxville, and Estampe Illustra.
Claude is very involved in the community, with 15 years as a women’s hockey coach, and volunteer of the year in 2012. He is also the president of the borough of Lennoxville and Municipal Councillor for the City of Sherbrooke.
Many of his other responsibilities include :
- The protection of the night sky, Mont Megantic Astrolab;
- Waste Management at Valoris;
- Housing Crisis, Urban planning;
- Air Transportation;
- Public safety;
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, National interests such as transportation, social housing and intergovernmental agreements.